03/28/2020 –
“For the times, they are a changin”. Even as we all deal with the wide-ranging effects of the coronavirus, I wanted you to know as soon as possible that Cloud Dancers is looking for a new home. We have enjoyed our time at Vista Hermosa, but we’ve been asked to move by sometime in the fall. Although this is not the ideal time to think about moving, we now have the opportunity to craft a long-term home with the facilities and space for our students and our program to grow and thrive. Prior to the recent pandemic developments, the Board and Staff defined what we need in a horse facility going forward (Cloud Dancers new facility search). We will get this information out to the Albuquerque and Corrales communities as soon as possible. We’ll of course keep you posted on news and plans for our coming move.
If you have the time, please feel free to contact any of the staff or Board members over the next few weeks about what you’d like to see at a new place. We’d love to get your input. And if you know of any suitable facilities, please use Sue Taylor’s contact information to get in touch.
In the meantime, be well, stay safe, and thank you for continuing to support Cloud Dancers.
Jody Karp
Board President