by Judy
12/27/2021 –
I have learned before Birdie is ridden, that safety is a priority. I need a helmet, straps checked with everything just so.
I have learned if I want to live independently, safety is a priority. When one is careless accidents happen.
I have learned that when riding Birdie, I need to take the reins in both hands so that I can be in charge. I will need to guide her with confidence to our destination.
I have learned in my life, I need to take the reins & guide my own life—I need to go forward with a new chapter that is joyous.
I have learned when I get off course or have an issue, that I can’t blame anyone else for my problem. I was the one in charge.
In my own life blaming others is waste of time, I’m in charge and need to take responsibility.
I have learned that when I ride Birdie, I need to keep my head up and my eyes focused on where we are going.
I have learned that I need to focus on a course that brings me joy and meaning. I don’t want to dwell in the past.
I have learned that when riding Birdie, I need a grateful heart and be thankful for my instructor, volunteers and of course, Birdie. I have learned to enjoy the ride and relax.
I have learned to show gratitude in my life and need to thank those who are in my life and for what they do for me. Life is so much more meaningful when we are grateful. I have also learned that I can go forward and enjoy my life.
Thank you Birdie, Karen and volunteers!