Convenient North Valley location at 2nd St and Alameda
04/06/2021 –
Cloud Dancers is most excited to announce that our Therapeutic Riding Center now has a new home in the North Valley, near Alameda and Second – 9629 2nd Street, NW 87114. We have started moving in this week. The new Center offers wonderful new opportunities for growth, expansion of programming and becoming a PATH Premiere Accredited Center. At the same time, it lends itself to a variety of new donor supported improvement projects and new volunteer positions related to maintaining the property. Lady J, Birdie, Snoopy, Kirby and Speck are “chomping at the bit” to be re-united in their new quarters in the next few weeks.
If you would be interested in volunteering to help us move into our new home and getting the property clean and organized, please let our Volunteer Coordinator, Sandy LaBarbera know at 224-374-4144 or at volunteer@clouddancersthp.org. We especially need strong folks who could operate heavy tampers and jack hammers to prepare our horse stalls.
Lessons this year will initially be scheduled on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays at various times throughout the day. Tentatively, sessions are scheduled as follows:
6/6 – 7/31 Eight weeks
8/1 – 9/25 Eight weeks
9/26 – 11/20 Eight weeks
11/28 – 12/18 Three weeks
COVID guidelines for masks, social distancing and hand washing remain in effect. Assuming COVID cases continue to go down, we will gradually be able to return all riders to lessons, depending on their need for a horse leader and one or two side walkers.
Please note our new address above, as well as our new Post Office Box 10489, Albuquerque, NM 87184.
We hope you are as excited as we are about re-opening in our own Center. Tentatively, we will be having an Open House on June 5th and 6th for you, our riders and volunteers with more details forthcoming. We appreciate your continued loyalty and look forward to seeing you all again soon.